Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Give Me This Mountain

This is a blog about my journey and climb through a PhD program in Geography at the University of Utah. I chose this title because it means a great deal to me, and perhaps to anyone who has, by their own choice or not, been given a mountain to climb and must dig deep into their soul for the strength to make the climb one day at a time. 

My journey began in the summer of 2015 and already (today is September 7, 2016) I have learned so much and climbed just enough to sit down and look back at where my journey began and what I have overcome so far. As with any climb, it is also a moment to look up and see how much more of the mountain there is to climb, which can be quite intimidating to be honest, but I have to remind myself every day that I chose to climb this mountain. There are many people who did not get to choose the mountains they have to climb and for them I feel deeply sorry and for them I continue my climb.

My purpose in writing this blog is to record my own development and to document my climb up this mountain we call a PhD. I also hope that this blog will serve to encourage and uplift others who are hard at work climbing whatever mountain they face. 

I have to admit that a PhD is a mental, physical and emotional challenge far greater than I ever realized. I may not be able to explain what I mean in a sentence or two, but over time I hope that it will become apparent through my writing why it is such a challenging and rewarding climb. 

If you feel inclined to comment about my posts please do so! I am happy to receive feedback, criticism, encouragement and what I call "gear" or "words of wisdom" to help make the climb and to help others make their climb!


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